The Grand Hotel

The Grand Hotel
by Scott Kenemore
Welcome to the hotel where nobody can check out.

When a desk clerk welcomes a group of tourists into his mysterious and crumbling hotel, the last thing he ever expected was that one girl on the tour might hold the power to unravel the hidden mystery that lies in its walls.

The Grand Hotel is a horror novel by esteemed author Scott Kenemore ( Zen of Zombie, Zombie, Ohio) that takes the reader on a thrilling ride that interconnects a series of stories narrated by the desk clerk of the Grand Hotel. While it is not known whether or not the desk clerk is actually the devil reincarnated, it is strange that many of the people who come for a tour of the hotel never leave.

As the narrator takes you deeper and deeper into the heart of the hotel, he starts wondering if all the secrets that have been hiding for so long may soon start to show themselves. While he is quite ready for this experience, the real question is if the rest of the world is.

Kenemore's incredible style and originality carry The Grand Hotel to places most people only see in their nightmares. And while we don't know what secrets lie in the Grand Hotel, all we know is that the person who holds the secret puts fear into the narrator himself-a thought which will terrify everyone.

SFGateway - Hachette
SFGateway - Hachette

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About the author

Scott Kenemore (1977- )
Born in New York and educated at Kenyon College and Columbia University, Scott Kenemore is the national bestselling author of Lake of Darkness, The Grand Hotel, and Zombie Ohio, as well as numerous other works of horror and satire. He lives in Evanston, IL.


ISBN: 9781473232051
Format: eBook
Publication Date: 12/11/2020
Imprint: Gateway