This is the Way the World Begins
This is the Way the World Begins
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Visit Earth, the birthplace of man!
From the holiday planet of Paradiso one could go on many exciting tours and excursions - Mars, Venus, the Moon, even the most distant and alien worlds were accessible to the inquisitive holidaymaker, courtesy of Starways Inc. - the giant combine which owned Paradiso and over half of the galaxy.
But of all Starways illustrious trips, there was really only one which interested Ram Burrell - the one which Starways seemed to actually discourage people from taking... the trip to planet Earth. And once Burrell had got himself a ticket for the journey, he began to discover why Earth had become the least visited planet in the galaxy, and why Starways worked so hard to keep it that way...
About the author
ISBN: 9780575094017
Format: eBook
Publication Date: 24/06/2013
Imprint: Gateway